Bastion Oil and Gas South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Bastion has applied for three technical cooperation permits (TCP) identified as having the potential to be converted into early development opportunities for the supply of gas for power generation projects. These opportunities represent low-cost entry points, in terms of their prospectivity and proximity to power generation facilities. South Africa at present is in desperate need of power and consequently these projects will have a short lead time to energy generation. All three of our applications were approved and finally granted on the 25th June 2021. Bastion has now lodged Exploration Right applications for all the areas set out on the map below.
Bastion TCP Areas
Total Area: 3295 km²

Bulwark Oil and Gas SA (Pty) Ltd
Bulwark is an affiliate of Bastion. Based on the technical work done on the Bastion areas and a completed regional analysis, Bulwark identified a number of areas that shared similar geology to Bastion and Kinetiko Energy, an Australian stock exchange listed company. Bulwark lodged technical cooperation permit applications for nine areas on the 29th October 2021. Of the nine applications, seven were granted on the 14th February 2023. These areas are set out on the map below. Bulwark will be executing the TCP shortly.
Bulwark TCP Areas
Total Area: ~25000 km²