Rob Hersov has a habit of saying the unfashionable truths that others lack the courage to voice. He did so at BNC#2 and again at BNC#4 when calling out timid South African business leaders, unleashing a torrent after addressing politically correct. Hersov has started the new year in a similar vein, standing ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ with SA’s much criticised energy minister Gwede Mantashe, encouraging him to double down against the foreign promoted Green Agenda.
He urges Mantashe and his boss, SA president Cyril Ramaphosa, to reject the hypocritical Western agenda that demands SA ignores its endowed fossil fuel assets while the EU’s imports of those same resources are up 400% in the past year. The way Hersov sees it, SA has been stopped by self-interested “Colonialists” from using massive shale and offshore gas reserves whose exploitation would transform the energy situation, directly create over a million new jobs and turbo-charge the economy. He spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.
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